Cynthia Morton: Emotional Fitness Sundays presented by E'cco Bistro
Cynthia Morton - Hope Masseuse, Wordsmith, Author/Speaker

Last Sunday 31st July launched the first of four ‘Emotional Fitness Sundays’ brunch presented by Cynthia Morton, Phillip Johnston and Mary Randles at E’cco Bistro, Brisbane.
Cynthia is the bestselling Author, Blogger, Lecturer and Founder of the multi award-winning Emotional Fitness Program.
The IlluminateUs team were fortunate to attend the first of the special brunch series to support client Cynthia Morton, who is working with the team on Marketing, PR, Digital, Social and Event solutions.
The insightful Sunday event is just a preview of what is to come from Cynthia Morton, stay tuned!

For enquiries regarding Cynthia Morton,
please contact
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